Saturday May 2nd and Sunday May 3rd
12 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Music, Food, Carnival Rides, and more...
Wilmington Ca, 90744
Along Avalon blvd between PCH and Anahiem
Brief recap on what Cinco de Mayo really means. Most people including our gente will often think it is Mexican Independence Day. That is in-correct. Mexican Independence Day is actually not until September 16. Cinco de Mayo 1862 was a victory over the French Army in " Batalla de Puebla" or Battle of Puebla. Mexico was in debt because of prior battles and civil war. Benito Jurarez the president at the time issued what was called a moratorium, which means Mexico needed some time to freeze any payments on what they owed until they where financially ready. President Juarez requested a two year time frame. The Spanish, English and French did not like that and became angry. They all then proceeded to invade Mexico to collect. Long story short the English and Spanish settled on there side and left. The French army under the ruling of Napoleon III, wanted to take over and make Mexico a new empire. Kaos erupted, and Mexico had to defend it's self. Dressed in peasant gear unlike the fancy French, it did not stop Mexico from giving it's all. Mexico was only armed with cheap weapons like machetes,rifles and horses nothing compared to the weapons and technology of the French Army . They simply fought with determination, heart, blood, sweat and tears winning a victory over the French.
This holiday is celebrated more in the United States by Chicanos and Americans then in Mexico. Mexicans tend to celebrate Independence Day more then Cinco De Mayo
This event will have that corporate sponsorship of course which
is the only way they could afford to have it. I just hope that it do not become
all wack like the Fiesta Broadway they recently had in downtown LACheck out the review on LA Eastside by El Random Hero regarding the Broadway event. Let's hope Wilmas still knows what's up=)
I will most likely check it on Sunday, I'll take pictures and report back to all you swapmeeteros
Doña Junta
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